Photo ID number: C13644_NS
Photo subjects: Object(s) photograph: Site: Giza; view: G 2338, G 2184, G 2352, G 2353, G 2360, G 2320 = G 5280, G 2385
Description: Fragments of limestone: top row: [G 2338 B] __-__-__ (possibly part of 35-9-17), [G 2184 V] 35-9-20b (upper), [G 2352] 35-9-5b (lower), [G 2353] 35-8-74a, 35-8-74b, [G 2360] 35-9-8; middle row; [G 2320 (= G 5280) N] 35-9-6b, [G 2353] 35-8-74c, [G 2385 (?)] __-__-__ (offering basin); bottom row: [G 2338 B] __-__-__, __-__-__ (two fragments, possibly part of 35-9-17), [G 2184 G II] 35-9-36 (two fitting fragments)
Photo date: 12/18/1935