Photo ID number: B8605_NS
Photo subjects: Western Cemetery: Site: Giza; View: G 2220, G 2150, G 2133, G 2130, G 2131, G 2132, G 2134, G 2134a, G 2170
Description: Cemetery G 2100 (area between G 2220 and G 2150): G 2133 (foreground center), exterior pits associated with G 2130 and area of G 2131 and G 2132 (both abutting N end of G 2150) (foreground right), area of G 2134a (to N of G 2132), G 2134 (E of G 2133, abutting S end of G 2220), looking SE to G 2170 and beyond to Khufu pyramid
Photo date: 01/18/1936