Photo ID number: PDM_1993.121.06

Photo subjects: Western Cemetery: Site: Giza; View: G 2150, G 2151, G 2154, G 2154a, G 2153, G 2152, G 2136', G 2157, G 2170

Description: Cemetery G 2100 (area S of G 2220): G 2154 and G 2154a (middle ground left), G 2153, G 2152, and G 2151 (middle ground center and right), G 2136' (abutting N end of G 2151), G 2157 (abutting N end of G 2170, background left), looking S along street between G 2150 (to W) and G 2170 (to E) from top of G 2220 (matching view to HU-MFA Expedition Photo C4817)

Photo date: 11/28/1993