Photo ID number: A7620_NS

Photo subjects: Object(s) photograph: Site: Giza; view: G 2150

Description: Left jamb from false door niche of Mery from north Saqqara (discovered by Mariette, 1850), included because of drum lintel inscribed for an individual named Kanefer inserted into niche, possibly from Giza G 2150 (rephotograph): Musée du Louvre, Paris B 49b

Photo date: 06/04/1936

Literature reference: Christiane Ziegler, Catalogue des stèles, peintures et reliefs égyptiens de l'Ancien Empire et de la Première Période Intermédiare (Paris: Réunion des musées nationaux, 1990), p. 30, fig. 17, pp. 114-117, cat. 17; for Kanefer drum lintel, ibid., pp. 239-39, cat. 43