Photo ID number: AAW2011
Photo subjects: Object(s) photograph: Site: Giza; view: G 7000 X, G 2381, G 2132, G 4631, G 4630
Description: Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, Old Kingdom pottery case: [G 2381 A] 12-12-567 (= MFA 13.3270, deep basin with roll rim and tubular spout), [G 2132 C] 36-2-15 (tall offering stand), [G 2381 A] 12-12-573 (= MFA 13.2928a-b, two-handled jar with plaster seal), [G 7000 X] 34-4-94 (= MFA 37.2701, small bowl with recurved rim and tubular spout), [G 7000 X] 34-3-22 (= MFA 37.2677, model neckless shoulder jar), [G 4631 B] 14-1-45 (= MFA 20.1885, neckless shoulder jar), [G 4630 A] 14-1-6 (= MFA 20.1893, bowl with recurved rim)
Photo date: 05/07/2003