Photo ID number: A8276_NS
Photo subjects: Western Cemetery: Site: Giza; View: G 2230+2231, G 2085, G 2084, G 2086, G 2087, G 2099, G 2088, G 2098, G 2097, G 2091, G 2071, G 2072
Description: Cemetery G 2000 (area E and NE of G 2000 = Lepsius 23): G 2230+2231: G 2230 (foreground left), G 2085, G 2084, G 2086a, G 2086, G 2087, G 2099, G 2088, G 2098, G 2097c, G 2091, looking SW to G 2071 and G 2072 and beyond
Photo date: 06/24/1939