Photo ID number: B9106_NS

Photo subjects: Object(s) photograph: Site: Giza; view: G 5223, G 5411, G 4813

Description: Fragments of alabaster and limestone statues: top row: [] __-__-__ (three fitting fragments, part of kilt ?), [] __-__-__ (two fitting fragments, part of kilt ?), [] __-__-__ (one fragment, part of kilt ?), [] __-__-__ (three fitting fragments), [between G 5110 and G 5230] 14-11-110 (toes), [G 5223 A] 14-12-79 (part of foot), [] __-__-__, [] __-__-__; second row: [] __-__-__, [] __-__-__, [] __-__-__, [] __-__-__, [] __-__-__, [] __-__-__, [] __-__-__ (fragment of inscription), [] __-__-__, [] __-__-__; third row: [] __-__-__, [] 14-11-28 (two fitting fragments), [] __-__-__, [] __-__-__, [] __-__-__, [] __-__-__, [] __-__-__, [] __-__-__; bottom row: [] __-__-__, [between G 5110 and G 5230] 14-11-107 (two fitting fragments), [] __-__-__, [] __-__-__, [] __-__-__, [G 5411] 14-12-70, [G 4813 A] 15-11-63

Photo date: 04/15/1939