Photo ID number: B9092_NS
Photo subjects: Object(s) photograph: Site: Giza; view: G 5230
Description: Fragments of red granite standing pair statue from G 5230, Khnumbaef (Babaef): 14-11-89d + 14-11-118 (= MFA 14.1697, part of head and wig), 14-11-89b + 14-11-117 (= MFA 14.1690.2, part of shoulder and arm, proper right), 14-11-89c (= MFA 14.1690.3, hand, proper left), 14-11-89a (= MFA 14.1690.1, part of shoulder and arm, proper left), 14-11-84 (= MFA 14.1688, base)
Photographer: Mohammedani Ibrahim (expedition photographer)
Photo date: 04/06/1939