Photo ID number: B7616_NS
Photo subjects: Western Cemetery: Site: Giza; View: G 2001
Description: Cemetery G 2000: G 2001, Tjetu, chapel (= pillared portico), W wall, S false door inscribed for Mensi, good name Tjetu, tablet (originally inscribed for Nebet), looking W
Photographer: Albert Morton Lythgoe
Photo date: 04/15/1931
Literature reference: Fischer, Henry G. "The Mark of a Second Hand on Ancient Egyptian Anitquities." Metropolitan Museum Journal 9 (1974), p. 7, fig. 3, n. 10.
Simpson, William Kelly. Mastabas of the Western Cemetery: Part I. Giza Mastabas 4. Boston: Museum of Fine Arts, 1980, fig. 18 (line drawing).