Photo ID number: C11299B_NS

Photo subjects: Object(s) photograph: Site: Giza; view: street G 7000, avenue G 3, G 7152

Description: Faience amulets and jewelry elements: top row: [street G 7000] 26-1-736 (nefer), 26-1-351 (Shu), 26-1-734 (udjat), [] __-__-__ (udjat), [street G 7000] 26-1-735 (Taweret fragment); middle row: [avenue G 3] 25-12-381 (= MFA 25.2958, udjat), 25-12-389 (= MFA 27.981, floral pendant), [street G 7000] 26-1-739 (floral ? pendant), 26-1-592 (floral ? pendant); bottom row: [street G 7000] 26-1-737 (= MFA 27.980, winged scarab), 26-1-738 (= MFA 27.979, floral pendant), 26-1-732 (Bes fragment), [NE of G 7152] 26-1-973 (Bes fragment)

Photo date: 04/30/1927