Photo ID number: A7909_NS

Photo subjects: Object(s) photograph: Site: Giza; view: G I-a, G I-b

Description: Faience objects: top row: [G I-b] 37-6-10 (two fragments ?), 37-6-5b, 37-6-5a, 37-6-31 (udjat), 37-6-1 (= MFA 37.2755, scarab), 37-6-36 (pendant), 37-6-34b (fragment of eye inlay, upper item), 37-6-2 (= MFA 37.2756, iris of eye inlay, lower item); second row: [G I-b] 37-6-8, 37-6-13, 37-6-15, 37-6-34a (eye inlay); third row: [N of G I-a]: 37-3-1 (udjat, upper item), 37-3-2 (udjat, lower item), 37-3-3 (Thoth amulet), [G I-b] 37-6-14a, 37-6-16, 37-6-17 (eye inlay, upper item), 37-6-35 (eye inlay, lower item); bottom row: [G I-b] 37-6-3 (two of four), 37-6-4, 37-6-9 (two of five)

Photo date: 01/28/1938