Photo ID number: C10389_OS

Photo subjects: Wadi Cemetery (Reisner; north of W. Cem): Site: Giza; View: GW 28, GW 29, GW 44, GW 46, GW 47, GW 48, GW 49, GW 50, GW 51, GW 52, GW 54, GW 55, GW 56, GW 57, GW 58, GW 59, GW 60, GW 61, GW 62, GW 63

Description: Wadi Cemetery: tops of GW 29 and GW 28 (foreground), GW 48 (foreground center left, W of GW 29), GW 50 (foreground center right, W of GW 28), GW 47 and GW 46 (two tombs, middle ground left, GW 46 W of GW 47), GW 56 (background center left, W of GW 46), GW 49 (middle ground center, W of GW 48), GW 54 (middle ground center, W of GW 49), GW 51 and GW 52 (middle ground right), GW 44 (in line with and S of GW 56), GW 57 and GW 58 and GW 59 (row of tombs W of GW 56, background center), GW 60 (S of GW 59), GW 55 (N of GW 57, W of GW 54), GW 61 (W of GW 55), GW 63 and GW 62 (background right, W of GW 61), looking SW

Photo date: July 1904