Photo ID number: B1688_NS

Photo subjects: Menkaure Quarry Cemetery: Site: Giza; View: MQ 1, MQ 120, MQ 105, MQ 121, MQ 124, MQ 106, MQ 136, MQ 123

Description: Menkaure quarry cemetery: N side of quarry, E face of MQ 1 = MQ 137 (foreground left), MQ 136 and MQ 123 (foreground center left), with MQ 106 (above to N of MQ 123), MQ 120 (middle ground center), with MQ 105 (above to N of MQ 120), MQ 124 (to W of MQ 120, middle ground center left), entrance of MQ 121 (middle ground right), looking N

Photo date: 01/27/1913