Photo ID number: AEOS_I_5274

Photo subjects: Western Cemetery: Site: Giza; View: User (1), S 7, S 5/18, S 91/93, S 104, S 95/112, S 106/117, S 67/90, S 8/82, S 83, S 87

Description: Junker Cemetery (east): area E and S of mastaba of User [User (1)] (partially unroofed chapel, foreground right), shaft S 7 (foreground left), mastaba S 5/18 (foreground center) with mastaba S 91/93 and intrusive shafts S 83 and S 87 (middle ground center and center left), mastaba S 104 (middle ground center right) and mastaba S 95/112 (to S, background center), mastaba S 106/117 (to S of User, background right), mastaba S 8/82 (foreground left), mastaba S 67/90 (background left), looking S to N ends of G 4660 and G 4560