Photo ID number: C10391_OS

Photo subjects: Wadi Cemetery (Reisner; north of W. Cem): Site: Giza; View: GW 16, GW 19, GW 20, GW 22, GW 30, GW 31, GW 32, GW 33, GW 34, GW 35

Description: Wadi Cemetery: GW 22 and GW 20 (foreground center, GW 20 S of GW 22), GW 30 (foreground right), unidentified tomb (?) (foreground left, E of GW 20), GW 19 (middle ground center left, S of GW 20), GW 31 and GW 32 (middle ground right, S of GW 30), GW 16 (background center left, S of GW 19), GW 33 (background center right, W of GW 16, S of GW 32), GW 34 and GW 35 (background right), meter stick marks top of earlier level (middle ground right, S of GW 30), looking S

Photo date: July 1904