Photo ID number: C11336_NS

Photo subjects: Object(s) photograph: Site: Giza; view: G 7256, G 7100 SW V (G 7100 SW 5), G 7259, G 7168, street G 7300, G 7256, G 7400 Pt ii, G 7430-7440

Description: Faience amulets, beads, and copper objects: top row: [G 7256] 27-1-219 (= MFA 27.1588, bead), [G 7100 SW V (G 7100 SW 5)] 27-1-302 (= MFA 27.1610, udjat), [top of G 7259 and G 7168] 27-1-268 (= MFA 27.1602, Shu), [street G 7300] 27-1-278 (udjat), [G 7256] 27-1-218 (= MFA 27.1587, bead); middle row: [G 7400 Pt ii] 27-1-253 (copper arrow head), 27-1-251 (copper spoon fragment), [G 7256] 27-1-216 (= MFA 27.1585, udjat), [RR dump VII] 27-1-228 (= MFA 27.1593, bead), 27-1-226 (= MFA 27.1592, udjat), [G 7430-7440: G 7430] 27-1-201 (udjat fragment); bottom row: [G 7430-7440: G 7430] 27-1-200 (= MFA 27.1579, udjat fragment), [G 7400 Pt ii] 27-1-246 (= MFA 27.1599, base of game piece), [top of G 7259 and G 7168] 27-1-267 (= MFA 27.1601, udjat)

Photo date: 12/22/1927