Photo ID number: A7725P_ann_NS
Photo subjects: Eastern Cemetery: Site: Giza; View: G 7101
Description: Cemetery G 7000: G 7101 B, burial chamber, W wall, incised inscription, looking W: "a horizontal band of incised text from right to left: Htp dj nswt Jnpw tpj Dw=f jmj wt nb tA Dsr qrs.t(j)=f nfr m Xrjt-nTr jmAxw sS Nxtj, "a gift which the king gives and Anubis, he who is on his hill, he who is in the place of bandaging, lord of the necropolis, that he may be well buried in the cemetery, the well provided one, the scribe Nakhti."
Photographer: Said Ahmed Said [Diraz] (Reis)
Photo date: 01/20/1937
Literature reference: W.K. Simpson, The Mastabas of Qar and Idu, G 7101 and G 7102, Giza Mastabas 2 (Boston, 1976), p. 12