Photo ID number: C11690_NS
Photo subjects: Object(s) photograph: Site: Giza; view: G 7530-7540
Description: Gold amulet, earring, bead, and finger or toe sheaths from G 7530-7540: G 7540 T, room I: top row: 29-3-136 (= MFA 29.1436, barrel bead), 29-3-137 (= MFA 29.1437, earring), 29-3-135 (= MFA 29.1438, udjat); second row: 29-3-133 (= MFA 29.1439a-j, ten sheaths of twenty-nine gold foil objects); third row: 29-3-133 (= MFA 29.1440a-d, four sheaths of twenty-nine gold foil objects); fourth row: 29-3-133 (= MFA 29.1441a-j, ten sheaths of twenty-nine gold foil objects); bottom row: 29-3-133 (= MFA 29.1442a-d, four sheaths of twenty-nine gold foil objects), 29-3-133 (= MFA 29.1443, one unidentified gold foil object of twenty-nine)
Photo date: 05/16/1929