Photo ID number: A10946_OS

Photo subjects: Wadi Cemetery (Reisner; north of W. Cem): Site: Giza; View: GW 16, GW 19, GW 20, GW 22, GW 29, GW 30, GW 31, GW 32, GW 33, GW 34, GW 35, GW 36, GW 37, GW 38, GW 46, GW 47, GW 56

Description: Wadi Cemetery: GW 22 and GW 20 (foreground center), unidentified tomb (?) (foreground center left, E of GW 20), GW 30 and GW 29 (foreground right), GW 19 (middle ground center left, S of GW 20), GW 31, GW 32, GW 33 (middle ground center, S of GW 30), GW 16 (middle ground left, S of GW 19), GW 34 and GW 35 (background center, SW of GW 31) with area of GW 36, GW 37, GW 38 beyond (S of GW 35), GW 47, GW 46, GW 56 (middle ground right, W of GW 30), looking SSW

Photo date: August 1904