Photo ID number: AEOS_I_5496

Photo subjects: Western Cemetery: Site: Giza; View: G 2155

Description: Cemetery G 2100: G 2155, Kaninisut [I], chapel (KHM Vienna ÄS 8006), E wall, relief over chapel entrance (boats: [lower register of striding figures in front of upper boat] Pernedju, Hermeru, [upper boat] Hetepsepet, Wahib, Kaninisut, [lower boat] Kaemheset, Wahib, Kaninisut, Seteb) and portion of relief to S (registers of personified estates; livestock procession, including Hesi and unnamed attendant; offering bearers, including Medu, Bebi, Mernetjerukhufu, Semerka, Persen), looking E

Photographer: Said Ahmed Said [Diraz] (Reis)