Photo ID number: AEOS_II_3083

Photo subjects: Western Cemetery: Site: Giza; View: Seneb

Description: Junker Cemetery (west): mastaba of Seneb, chapel, offering room, false door (Cairo JE 51297), inner jambs and center niche (S inner jamb: [top register] Seneb in carrying chair supported by Shedi and Peri, and accompanied by Hetjes and Weri, [middle register] offering bearers identified as Senenu, Iisatjef, Itiu, [bottom register] three unnamed men in long kilts; N inner jamb: [top register] seated figure of Seneb and scribes Inkaf, Hemiunu, Hetepka, [second register] seated figure of Senetites and her children Auibenkhufu, Semeretredjedef, Ankhmaredjedef, [third register] offering bearers identified as Kaihep, Tefi, Wep, [bottom register] offering bearers identified as Wennen, Peni, Iika), looking W

Photographer: Said Ahmed Said [Diraz] (Reis)